Tuesday, September 04, 2007

ENO school burned in Argentina

These students planted tree two years ago a tree at their school, CEI "San Ignacio" - Fundacion Cruzada Patagonica.

This school caught fire August 24 at night. They lost all the things of more value: library, computer science room, multimedias room, classrooms, direction, secretary, dining room and student housing. They are still with many tasks to be able to begin September 17 in other places facilitated by the town. They lost all the computers and other things that they used in ENO. They are very sad and trying to make what we can because we have 200 students that wait our classes.

Their teacher Ana Prieto says: "More than ever we need to continue in spite of everything. The tree of this year will be a symbol, it will be as being born for us again."